Thursday, May 24, 2012

Popular Programs Offered In Surgical Tech Schools

Surgical tech is one of the most rewarding careers in medical field. There are many students today who pursue surgical tech programs in different institutions. Surgical tech schools come in handy and provide an ideal learning environment to those interested in the career. As a student, it is important to learn of the programs offered in surgical technologist schools. This will enhance your chances of getting the best school. Additionally, it is an excellent way of getting started in the right path and becoming a competent professional in future.

Surgical tech certificate

Many Surgical technologist schools offer surgical tech certificate programs. It is a popular and essential program that provides all the basics of surgical technology. The program is an entry level program that prepares you to work in a health facility. It can either be a certificate or a diploma program and lasts between 9 months to 2 years. Therefore, when choosing a school, ensure it offers the best program that will prepare you efficiently for the job market. Note that you will be required to help nurses and doctors when preparing a patient for surgery. Therefore, settle for a good school with the best surgical technologist programs.

Associate of applied science in surgical technology

This is an associate degree program that prepares you to become a health care practitioner or an assistant. You can pursue the program after your certificate, diploma or enroll directly for the program depending on your qualifications. Surgical tech schools offer a wide range of courses on the program including anatomy, pharmacology, medical terminology and surgical equipment among other programs. It also lasts between 18 months and 2 years. In other schools, an extra certification in CPR is also offered and may last a little longer. However, ensure to enroll in a well reputed institution that offers accredited programs to enhance your chances of getting the best possible results.

Associate of science in medical assisting and allied health

This is also a popular program offered in the schools. It lasts between 18 months to 2 years. It is an alternative to surgical technician degree because it covers complete surgical technologist education courses as well as introduction to health sciences. When pursuing the program, you will be able to specialize in different areas including anesthesiology. This field prepares you to be a competent professional who prepares patients for surgery. However, when choosing a program, it is imperative to define your career goals and settle for a program that addresses your needs best.

This news article is brought to you by FEAR OF COMMITMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Courses: Which Sector Is Calling Your Name?

Are you considering taking high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) courses? One of the advantages of this kind of training, which teaches scientifically minded students how to separate the compounds in a solution using a pump under high pressure, is that it can lead to careers in various industries. What kind of job might you be destined for?

HPLC programs can prepare you for a career in the following sectors:

  • the pharmaceutical industry
  • the food industry
  • the environmental assessment industry
  • the public sector

How do HPLC courses prepare you to work in the pharmaceutical industry?

Some students enroll in high-performance liquid chromatography courses out of a desire to develop or enhance a career in the pharmaceutical industry:

  • performing product trials
  • working on product research and development
  • overseeing production
  • preparing samples for testing
  • explaining analytical results to clients
  • overseeing testing
  • performing quality control
  • maintaining and calibrating instruments
  • complying with government and industry regulation
  • managing a lab like the ones used in HPLC classes

How do HPLC courses prepare you to work in the food industry?

HPLC courses can prepare students to fulfill a variety of roles in the food industry:

  • graduates of HPLC courses can test meat products for residues of veterinary medication, e.g., antibiotics.
  • they can test food products for mold or fungi, i.e., mycotoxins. This public health issue touches many foods, including wheat, rice, nuts and other staples.
  • HPLC classes can prepare students for a future in food authentication, i.e., verifying that a food product contains only the products that it is said to contain on its label, e.g., assessing the fruit content in a jar of jam, the sugar content in a granola bar.
  • assessing the health claims of "neutraceuticals" (foods with chemical compounds thought to have health benefits)
  • HPLC courses can prepare students to assess the safety of ingredients meant to enhance the appearance of food products, e.g., food colouring
  • testing food for other additives, e.g., vitamin content

How do HPLC courses prepare you to work in the environmental assessment industry?

Some graduates of HPLC programs may be headed for a career in environmental assessment, using ion chromatography to identify contaminants in drinking water, groundwater, river water, etc.

Graduates of HPLC may test for traces of chlorophenols in environmental samples. They may look for diphenylarsinic acid. They may look for nitrates.

How do HPLC courses prepare you to work in the public sector?

Public agencies - public health agencies, environmental agencies, food and safety agencies - rely on graduates of HPLC programs to perform checks on the pharmaceutical, food and other industries.

One task of all students pursuing high-performance liquid chromatography courses is to decide once and for all which sector most appeals to them.

This news article is brought to you by SOUPS SOPHISTICATED DISH - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Engage Learners and Keep Training Courses Fun

1. Review your course plan or schedule.

Take a look at your course plan from the point of view of the trainees. If your trainees are very much hands on people, determine how much of your course gives them opportunity to do things.

One course I helped design had wood industry trainees trying out different modes of communication outside. It was a bit like the child's game of passing whispers and demonstrated how easily messages can be scrambled on a worksite.

2. Use breaks for further learning challenges

By giving breaks a purpose you will create some urgency to get started again. Trainees will want to know if what they found out is 'true'. Consider whether you can add challenges to your course during lunch breaks. These can include:

  • Searching for answers in a manual
  • Doing some research on a computer
  • Discussing a set topic and presenting conclusions after the break
  • Texting to others who may know the answer

3. Convert PowerPoints to video

If all your presentation material is in PowerPoint, consider using PowerPoint conversion software to change some of it to a video presentation. Captivate and Movavi are two I have tried.

If you add voice-over get someone else to read the script for each slide. A different voice varies the dynamic and aids recall. Break-up PowerPoints with illustrations and reduce the words. If it's a video, let the voice-over do the explaining.

4. Introduce challenging questions

Prepare a list of questions about the information you are presenting. Use 'enquiry' questions that encourage trainees to review what they already know and compare it to what they are learning.

Questions could be modelled on these:

  • "Given what you have just learned, how could you apply this in your workplace?"
  • "In what circumstances would this not apply?"
  • "Would this be possible without installing new equipment?"

5. Change training activities to different forms

Plan to change one activity each time you run the course. You don't have to throw out the current method, just put it away and bring it out for another time you teach it. Changing your methods of teaching gives you a fresh look at the material too.

No activity will teach without your input. The activity debrief is where you draw out the learning that trainees need to take back to their workplaces.

Training does not have to be all one direction - 'I talk you listen'. You can get across information in a variety of ways.

  • Bring in an expert for a topic. The trainees will listen more attentively and realize that other people have similar experience or knowledge.
  • Have a group debate. Each small group (3-4 trainees) is given different short articles on the topic. They are to read and discuss the article and decide on the key points. Then they feed back to the whole group for further discussion guided by you.
  • Create a group activity. These can vary hugely depending on the topic and the technical competency of the group. The physical activity is more likely to cement the learning.
  • Design a board game. Board games can be great for getting across facts and principles. They do require some thought to work well. Most effective training board games require the players to answer questions correctly to reach the goal. The learning occurs during the game and afterwards in the trainer-led debrief.


Bringing enthusiasm back into your courses requires a bit of time and mental energy. The rewards, however, can be great for you and the people you are training.

So to sum up:

1. Review your course plan and making changes to the plan and resources.

2. Add course break challenges that keep trainees focused all day.

3. Convert PowerPoints to video or another method of presentation.

4. Introduce challenging questions to involve trainees in the learning.

5. Change your training activities to different forms to create a bag of pick-and-mix activities for each course iteration.

This news article is brought to you by CUSTODY OF A CHILD - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Careers in Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Humble Heroes

Why are quality assurance and quality control workers humble heroes? Because they work behind the scenes to ensure that the products we consume are safe. You can find them in food and pharmaceutical laboratories across the land. Some work in the private sector, making sure that products meet company standards; others work in the public sector, serving as a safeguard against error. Contemplating joining their ranks? Read on to learn more about this essential sector that protects you and your loved ones from foodborne illness and other threats.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Jobs in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Some of these humble heroes work in pharmaceutical testing laboratories helping to make sure that products in our medicine cabinets meet stringent safety standards. Does this sound like an interesting calling to you? If so, there are different options for you to consider, depending on where your talents lie.

Pharmaceutical testing laboratories require a variety of staff, including project managers and pharmaceutical technicians.

Project managers oversee pharmaceutical testing from start to finish: during the research and development phase, during quality assurance and quality control...

Do you think you have what it takes to manage pharmaceutical testing projects?

You must have a good understanding of the demands of pharmaceutical testing (the tools used, the regulations, etc.) as well as of the human or organizational dimension, i.e., motivating the team, keeping projects on schedule, assigning tasks, measuring results.

Or perhaps you can see yourself in the role of a pharmaceutical technician, AKA a quality assurance and quality control analyst, which is to say that you picture yourself:

  • wearing a white coat, working in a laboratory, analyzing test results
  • using Auto-Titrators, Hardness Testers, and other kinds of cool lab equipment

Tasks performed by pharmaceutical technicians include:

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Jobs in the Food Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is not the only sector with quality assurance and quality control jobs. Food quality training can prepare you for a career in a food product plant, testing and developing new products. It can also prepare you to work on the front lines of food safety, as a food inspector for a governmental agency.

Students of food quality training learn many of the same lessons as students of pharmaceutical testing. They learn:

  • how to conduct clinical trials
  • chemistry
  • microbiology
  • about laws affecting manufacturing
  • best practices

Pharmaceutical testing and food testing have a lot of overlap, including, perhaps most importantly, the feeling of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you are helping to keep the world a safer place for all.

This news article is brought to you by MISERABLE OR HAPPY DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Amazing Secrets Of Conquering Approach Anxiety To Be Super Successful With Women

If approach anxiety has ever held you back from taking advantage of a golden opportunity to meet a woman, then you definitely need to read this article. When it comes to conquering your anxiety over approaching women you basically need to learn how to act confident, keep approaching women it the proper perspective and know what to say to start a conversation. After reading this article you will begin to smash through the self imposed barriers to your success with women.

It takes confidence to meet women and these no way around it. Even more so than good looks, confidence attracts a woman to a man. So, if you are not very confident around women you must employ the secret of acting as if! People going on job interviews learn how to act as if they were confident. Boxers learn how to act as if when they are scared. And so can you.

Practice speaking in a full voice when talking to women. Smile and establish comfortable eye contact. After faking it for awhile you will begin to relax around women and really become confident.

Learn how to act confident around women can be easier when you maintain the proper perspective on approaching women. First, regardless of how attractive a woman is, she's not the only pretty girl in the world. Pretty girls really are a dime a dozen. If a particular woman rejects you, there are literally millions more out there.

Also, realize that a lot of approach anxiety occurs because we make approaching a woman a life or death situation. In the history of civilization no man has ever died because he was rejected. Let your attitude be that regardless of how this woman responds, there are many more available women who will be glad to go out with a stud like me.

After you learn how to keep the proper perspective on meeting when you should know what to say to break the ice with a woman as well as what not to say. First of all, keep things light, humorous and charming. Something as simple as "Hi. I don't believe we've ever met. My name is Michael. What's your name? Compliments work well for breaking the ice. "Hi. I couldn't resist coming over here and introducing myself to a woman with such pretty eyes." learn a few basic lines. Having some idea of what you are going to say helps reduce your approach anxiety.

You should avoid heavy or controversial subjects like religion, drugs, abortion and politics.

So when you look at it, learning how to act confident, maintaining the proper perspective and knowing what to say can greatly reduce your approach anxiety. Now that you've been exposed to these simple, yet effective women getting tips, you should be ready to get out there and start approaching the women you crave with confidence and boldness!

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.